Reading University Lake

Project 52: Week 27

Reading University Lake

An early photo in the week this time. I had a busy weekend as my aunt, uncle and young cousin visited. Eventually everyone went home and as it was a sunny late afternoon I decided to go to the university lake to take the photo which I had wanted to for a while. A long exposure shot of the trees on the opposite bank.

My dad took a similar photo last year which I thought was really good. Whilst I like my version, I prefer his because the trees in his version have the browns and gold of the autumn leaves. Mine is a bit too green. But that’s fine as it gives me the excuse of coming back in a month or so and taking another photo of the same scene to compare how the scene changes in colour as the seasons change. One thing that I am not sure about is why my photo does not have a better reflection.

If you remember, I moaned about the focus of my London shot a couple of weeks ago. This week my dad showed me how to focus manually for a crisper photo. Basically, I set my camera up on the tripod. Then I put on live view. I then simply turned the switch on the lens to manual focus and focused using the focus ring. I zoomed right in which helped me to get the best focus.

Now that I have taken a few long exposure photos I shall have to challenge myself to try something different for next week. At least I’ll have more time to think about what to do since I have posted this week’s photo so early in the week. I hope you like the lake shot.

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